Monday, March 31, 2014

Quality Time in Nature

There was  lots of listening play today at Tiny Treks Outdoor Preschool.  We heard crows, compared the sounds of the small chicks with the grown chickens, and then we played sand castles by the river.  We made our own special leaf boats to sail on Bear Creek.  The water was flowing very fast today after all of our rain this weekend.

Farmer Leon  showed us a snake skin he had found on the farm.  The kids were having fun climbing up downed trees and enormous Douglas Fir Trees.  We are having fun watching the baby chicks become awkward teenager chickens.  

We, on the other hand, are far from teenagers and keep the wonder of childhood live by spending quality time in nature.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nature's Art at Keep it Simple Farm

Tiny Treks Outdoor Preschool has been creating temporary nature art at Keep It Simple Farms.  It didn't take long before the kids got the hang of what we were thinking about.  They made rock piles, ferns and rocks and sometimes ferns and sticks.  And because they were children, they didn't feel compelled to make the art completely balanced the way an adult might.  They added a stick to the leaves and called it art.
Wednesday's class was so excited to find the art that Monday's class had created and now this week, to find some of their art still there and bummed to find some gone.  But then they quickly replaced the missing art with new art. The kids were wondering if other visitors at KIS are finding their art too!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

See saw Majorie Daw

The Wednesday We had an amazing time these past 2 weeks at Keep It Simple Farms.  First with the flooding, which got into our boots and was really fun to splash through and play with.  We did lots of pretending.  We have an ongoing game of family going on.  The kids want me to be the youngest with the kids choosing to be mother or father, older brother, grampa etc.  Soon it is time for my "nap" and then they spent a lot of time making me "hot chocolate" "chicken noodle soup" and other yummy concoctions from the water that had invaded one of our usual spots.

We spent a lot of time talking about why there was so much water. (everyone remembered the heavy rains of the week before) and watching how differently the water acted.  The water was flowing quicker than normal and over the beaver dam and over other big logs in the stream.

When we got to the designated deer sanctuary we found a  small log lodged in a tree.  Perhaps the Monday group had hauled it there?  We moved it over a few feet and voila-it became a teeter totter!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stick Animals!

Tiny Treks Outdoor Preschool found lots of water today and not so much mud as last week.

We managed to light the fire today and cook some marshmallows. Some got so squishy they fell off before we could eat them. But we got better with practice. It was funny to see them melt in the fire.

Afterwards we took some sticks to make stick animals. They were all very colorful.  Maybe they were chameleons and were matching the tablecloth! Or rainbow snakes.
Parents!  Please let your friends know about Tiny Treks Outdoor Preschool!  The next session begins on March 31st!  Here is the schedule below.  Payment for the next session is due by March 19th.
Please note there is no school during Northshore School District's Spring Break and also no school on Memorial Day. 
March 31 – June 9 – 10 weeks $270 (no school April 14 or May 26/Memorial Day)
April 2 – June 11 – 10 weeks $300 (no school April 16)